Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 5

So now I am officially the base manager...which means I am responsible for getting the new volunteers here, and basically making sure everything is flowing smoothly on the base. It is giving me cabin fever!!

I did take a motorbike ride with 2 Haitians on the back in search of tools...that was a deadly trip...rubble everywhere, big cracks in the road, crossing "rivers"....I even almost hit a giant pig!!

What I saw when driving through Leogane was was put on halt here. Most of the buildings crashed to the ground and are now piles of rubble. In place of the houses they had, a lot of people posted up tin shelters in the road.....I wonder what they eat, how they make money, how they feed their families. I already know where they shower! Anywhere and everywhere! I've seen so many naked Haitians takin bucket showers in the road....but where do they poo?


John said...

Not sure if you saw my previous post? I'd like to head down again, an you find me a spot where I can do some good?

John said...

I'm going to try to find another flight down to Santo Domingo soon...
Maybe two weeks~?
I'll take at least a week vacation... Can you find me a place?